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Temporary exhibitions

Vašemu hledání odpovídá 3 výstav

"PETROF 160 – Piano as a Technical Masterpiece"


The exhibition "PETROF 160 – Piano as a Technical Masterpiece" was created on the occasion of the 160th anniversary of the founding of the company, which is one of the most significant European manufacturers of acoustic pianos and grand pianos. It is a joint contribution of the National Technical Museum and the PETROF company to this year's Czech Music Year.


In the Transport Hall of the National Technical Museum, a collection of historical ambulance cars from the property of the Emergency Medical Service of the capital city of Prague will be on display for one year.

Big Bang! The Birth of the First Czechoslovak Wristwatches

The exhibition celebrates the 70th anniversary of the achievement that made Czechoslovakia only the eighth country in the world capable of producing mechanical wristwatches on an industrial scale.