Kostelní 42, Prague 7, Czech Republic


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About our museum

Welcome to the website of the National Technical Museum (hereinafter NTM), founded in 1908. Over a period of more than a hundred years (see the history of the museum), extensive collections have been established that document the development of many technical fields, natural and exact sciences, and industry in the territory of today's Czech Republic.

You can view the most interesting and in many cases unique collection items displayed in the permanent exhibitions and temporary exhibitions. For those interested in a more thorough understanding of the history of technology and its broader contexts, the NTM also has a rich library and archive of the history of technology and industry at their disposal. The NTM prepares illustrative and interactive educational programs primarily for school groups, but this can also be arranged for groups of visitors announced in advance. The National Technical Museum also has its own research departments that carry out publishing and educational activities in the field of the history of science and technology.

In 2003, a reconstruction of the main building began and in 2011 the first five permanent exhibitions were reopened. In October 2013, the National Technical Museum was finally completed and fully furnished after 75 years. The museum now presents the history of technical ingenuity in the Czech lands in 26 permanent exhibitions in the main building and two branches.