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Media for the recording and reproduction of sounds and images

The NTM has an extensive sound library. It is something completely unique and includes the second largest collection of phonographic cylinders in the Czech Republic, consisting of 1200 phonographic cylinders of all manufactured types. It is also worth mentioning the Bettini phonograph with a recording of Pope Leo XIII from 1903 the largest preserved collection of the gramophone records from the Čechie label. In this archive, you can also find a collection of 4,000 standard gramophone records and 2,000 LP records. There are also tapes and cassettes of various systems and manufacturers within the collection. CD, DVD and Blu-Ray media have also been added as part of the field’s documentation. The collection also includes approximately 50 tapes for a Marconi-Stille recorder and 20 tapes for a Philips-Miller Audio recording system.
