Kostelní 42, Prague 7, Czech Republic


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The equipment and accessories of photography

The exhibition provides a representative overview of the development of photographic devices, accessories and aids for photography. The oldest objects are cameras obscura – the forerunner of photographic cameras, followed by chambers used for daguerreotype cameras and the wet collodion process. In addition, the collection includes dozens of studio cameras and portable chambers for dry plates, manual chamber for plates and roll film, magazine, cabinet, folding and cantilever cameras, monocular and binocular cameras, film cameras, mini-cameras, special cameras, such as ones used for panoramic, stereoscopic, aviation photography, underwater photography, microphotography, spectrography, masked reproduction cameras, and cameras for extractive colour photography (Bermpohl, Spektaretta).

A separate collection of photographic lenses contains around five hundred pieces. There is also an extensive collection of accessories for photo devices, darkroom equipment, instruments for determining exposure, lighting equipment, flashes and incandescent lights, and devices for viewing and projecting still images.
